Quantum Technology

The human being in their entirety – fine-tuning down to the deepest level

Through a TimeWaver Pro and Level Wave analysis, it is possible to examine a person's energy field. The unique capability of the TimeWaver lies in its ability to reveal the invisible influences that affect us in all areas of life and to address the underlying causes of disturbances or disharmonies.

Imbalances can occur on various energetic levels: the emotional, viral, bacterial, and genetic levels, as well as within professional, familial, or social contexts. The goal is to transfer new information into the information field using a quantum physical interface.

It is therefore of great importance to understand one's own energetic levels, starting from the physical level, extending to the psyche, and even beyond, including potentially inherited predispositions.

The TimeWaver analysis not only focuses on the physical body, as conventional medical diagnostics do, but it is based on the theory of a physical-mental information field that governs material, energetic, and psychological processes. Thus, the TimeWaver enables a holistic view of the individual, from the mind to the cellular structure.

The TimeWaver analyses your information field either using a photo (based on photons as carriers of information) or during your physical presence in Visoko by capturing your consciousness and energy field through placing your hand on the device's surface. The TimeWaver detects all energetic imbalances and can restore a healthy equilibrium.

Quantum Technology with the Time Waver Pro and Level Wave

Important Notice:

The TimeWaver is officially certified as a Class 2A medical device. However, science and conventional medicine do not recognize the existence of information fields or their significance, due to the lack of scientific evidence according to the standards of conventional medicine.